Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Book Marks Competition

Right, the book marks competition is on. I want someone to design me book marks, using Jon Sullivan cover pictures and ensuring my blog address appears on them. The top three best designs get signed copies of any of my books they don't have (though not a specific version of said book and excluding the ones they've won if first or second). The top two get the spatterjay series, whilst the winner also gets the Cormac series (both of these with the new covers).

Incidentally, I'll be printing up and using the winners versions to hand over to book shops or people who might turn up at any signing I might do, so if you have a problem with that, don't send anything.

You can email your efforts to me at ndotasheratvirgindotnet put a link in comments here or go find me on FaceBook, which isn't difficult. And just to show you what you're up against, here's some first from Andy Plumbly and second from Brent Wise.

Have fun!


  1. This is a competition and I should just be leaving this to those competing but... The blog address needs to be readable after printing, you need to consider how they will fit in an A4 sheet for printing, like, should it be a stubby or long book mark and which is preferable?

  2. Oh, and I'll be sticking the whole range of covers up here shortly.

  3. Is there a closing date for the competition?

  4. Well, I gave people to year to come up with something in the art competition and they simply forgot about it. I'll give this one until the new year. January the 1st and it's all over.

  5. Looking over the competition I see I have some more work ahead of me. Still just sent in 3 to at least give something for the bottom of the rankings.

  6. Cheers Brent ;)

    Only just signed up to use blogger so I'm using my gamertag name as opposed to "Andy Plumbly".

    ...it looks more badass =P
