Sunday, December 04, 2011

What Diet?

As is usual during the winter, when comfort food tastes so good and exercise outside doesn't seem like a great idea, I'm starting to put on weight. I really do try not to eat too much, but sometimes the temptation is too strong:

After watching a movie we ventured into a Mexican restaurant that serves some huge profitaroles... 


  1. It's the Christmas Season, all food consumed between Thanksgiving and New Years doesn't count as Calories! Enjoy yourself while you can, there's always next month to diet, if we survive that long ;-)

  2. You don't look all that chuffed with the planetary sized profiterole!

  3. Anonymous7:07 pm

    The good life uh?
    What's a profiterole?

  4. You need a layer of insulation in this weather. It saves on heating bills and every year it saves more.

    Plus, carrying extra weight helps build up muscles.

    Fat is good for you. Now, where did I leave that Toblerone?

  5. Anonymous9:35 am

    There are 4 main food groups:

    So long as they're in balance you're OK

  6. PS: On the wrong post but I like this fella

  7. Damn, I'm getting a bit hacked off with Blogger. Again I've posted comments and they've disappeared.

  8. Amusing Bunni, best to eat all we can now before it takes a sackload of money to buy a sausage.

    Huan, I'm one of those people who, when not either smiling or laughing, looks like an axe murderer.

    Choux pastry filled with cream and drowned in chocolate sauce ... well at least that one was, Chris.

    But isn't it true Leg-iron that fat pushes the nerves closer to the surface of the skin so you feel the cold more?

    Ah, I see my problem now, BarryA - not enough chocolate.

    Up yours, Graeme!
