Monday, February 15, 2010

The Technician.

I've just written a synopsis of the book, which always helps to get it clearer in my mind and enables me to identify any faults in the plotting. My usual move at this point would be to carry on reading it through, back and forth, editing, until sick of it, then put it to one side and get on with something else. I would then print it out a month or two later and cast a fresher eye over it. Also, reading from a typescript rather than a screen also enables me to pick up on any problems. However, this is due to be published in August, so I need to send it to Macmillan soon. The fresh eye re-read will have to wait until after scary pencil time.


Kirby Uber said...

sure, over night a copy, i'll give it a once over.

i read quickly.

you are welcome.

Anonymous said...

I, too; would be honored to proof read - and I can do American or British english. (I keep trying this, to date it has not worked)

bascule said...

I'll even print out my own copy to save time, just email it across, I'll get straight on it.

Neal Asher said...

I will actually bear that in mind, but not for this one - time limits.

Grim's Reality said...

I spotted a typo on page 295 of Orbus (the hardback). From memory I think it was the word "is" used twice in one sentence for no reason.

Does this help?


As it's a first edition, can you please become incredibly famous and sought after, so that my son can go on the Antiques road show in fifty years time and make a packet on your book?

Jan Harald said...

August... That's like way too many months away... I need a new Polity-novel now... :) Looking forward to it! Great coverart btw...

Friso said...

Late to the party, but I'd also like to hop on the bandwagon and offer my services as a proofreader for completely unselfish reasons. I work as a translator and editor, if that helps my case.

Grim's Reality said...

I lied it was the use of the words "if" in the place of the word "is" last paragraghish concerning Oberons motivations.

I did have it memorized for the this morning but it's been busy and now I only recollect Vagule details.

Do I win a prize for the play on words and spotting the typo?