I was hesitant to send you this picture but then I realized you're probably more interested to see how well you sell--or not--in various places instead of just getting pictures that give you an ego boost.
(Um, I quite like ego-boosts - Neal)

I'm not sure what to make of the meager selection except to attribute it to Border's financial woes. They've filed Chapter 11 and after visiting the store it's apparent that this was not a sudden decision. When I first discovered your books--several years ago--you had an entire row, hardback and paperbacks included. Now...not so much. However, this isn't just your books. The pickings are very slim--even for the pulp authors with numerous titles--so I'm guessing that Borders is just not replenishing their stock. Lots and lots of empty shelves...
A fair selection of books from the Best Seller lists but back stock for authors...? It's like crickets chirping on most of the aisles.
I rarely visit the store anymore since I do the majority of my book buying through Amazon (Kindle) so I hadn't realized how bad it's gotten.
I suppose I could visit the Barnes and Nobles store down in Waikiki, but that will have to wait as I rarely have the patience (or willpower) to deal with the traffic situation down that way. :)
I have the same edition of 'Shadow of the Scorpion'. U.S. I guess.
Our local Borders closed down about a year or so ago. And it was HUGE. I enjoyed going round because of the choice but they were pricey.
HOWEVER...when they closed down everything got sold off for pennies...I had a few bags that day...8)
The US version of Gridlinked and The Skinner are also the same.
My local Borders is also in the process of closing down, but they have yet to reduce anything below 40%. Despite doing most of my reading on a Kindle I'm sad to see the store close. It was one of the few stores that I actually went to the mall for, and where I bought my first few Neal Asher books. Other than Gridlinked, Brassman, and The Skinner I had to buy everything else from Amazon.uk because it was extremely hard to get a hold of the US version of any of your other books.
They all look like US versions there.
Collin, I keep repeating this for US readers of my books: go to http://bookdepository.co.uk as you get free shipping there.
Yeah, geography fail on my part. Not sure how, probably reading the titles too quickly when catching up on your posts, but thought the picture was from Singapore.
Anyways, I will definitely order from the Book Depository the next time I can't find a US version. I've had good luck lately, but it's in years past I had to buy from Amazon UK. Had I known about the Book Depository I would have likely used them instead.
On the topic of bookstores, my local Barnes and Nobles never has more than one or two of your books on the shelves. I'll have to stop by sometime on my way home from work to see if that's changed.
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